The Miami short Film Festival is dedicated to promoting the short film genre, showcasing films from 1-20 minutes long. The Festival is international in scope, bringing exposure to the world’s best independent up-and-coming filmmakers.

Whitewall Media was honored to take on the central role of marketing for the 15th year of the MIAMI short FILM FESTIVAL. We provided initial audience and sales strategy. We developed anniversary logo emblems, social media posts, advertising, and more. Whitewall was able to sell out every monthly show for the 6 months we were on board, increasing the size of the theater by 3x to 90 seats/month, and increasing ticket priced by $1.50.

At the end of the year the annual festival is held, which includes dozens of entries showcased over the span of a few days. We were able to sell about 85% of the Annual Festival tickets through digital marketing campaigns in addition to printed flyers posted around Coco-Walk.

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