ZED Aerospace offers a newly-crafted flying experience, combining the luxury and convenience of a private jet with the affordability and reliability of an airline.

Whitewall has been integrated into ZED Aerospace prior to brand launch, and it’s been exciting to assist at all levels from initial branding (logo + web design) to ongoing content campaigns (social media + advertising + email). Whitewall created a strategy to ignite brand discovery, direct users to the website, and earn paid subscriptions from new members via our strategic and comprehensive marketing funnels.

Through our social media advertising strategy, we reached over 600,000 micro-targeted users in Miami, New York and Chicago while earning 1,200,000 Impressions. Our strategy resulted in tens of thousands of post engagements and tens of thousands of users being directed to our custom designed website. We were able to secure a 5x ROI after all branding, management, and advertising fees during our six-month initial launch phase. In this time, we earned 2,500 “Key Holders” who have started payments for a $100/month subscription to be a part of this premier flying experience. We are watching with excitement as ZED finishes a capital-raising stage to fund the purchase and overhaul of their planes, however in the meantime, our marketing and email campaign continues – allowing ZED to grow the community to over 15K user registrations to-date, including an extensive ‘Wait List’ which will be offered ZED Keys when further capacity is available.

Learn more @ ZEDaerospace.com

—– From Zander Futernick, CEO, ZED Aerospace —–

“In launching a new airline, we get to do things differently, and Whitewall Media has been core to the early success of our company. Nick, Daniel, and the Whitewall team took a sincerely collaborative approach in launching our very successful ZED membership pre-sale campaign, and they continue to properly manage our entire marketing and advertising division. Whitewall brings new ideas to the table in every conversation, and they aren’t afraid to push the limits in the face of challenge. We owe a great deal of our success to the Whitewall team and we look forward to more ingenious ideas to come! Thank you!”

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