Social Media Content  Social Media is big. Facebook alone has over 1 billion account holders and 2.3 active monthly users. There are around 21 major social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Youtube, Messenger, WeChat, Tumblr, and more.  New clients often ask us when we come up with a content plan of action, what’s the primary difference between

  Although social media is a large part of the web, the web is huge. There are over 2 billion websites, over 350 million registered domains, and online sales, which keep rising dramatically, amounting to roughly $3.5 trillion per year. Google alone produces 3.5 billion searches per day.  All this according to Hosting Tribunal and Oberlo  The biggest advantage of

As business owners, it’s essential to understand how your marketing tactics and strategies will change over time with the 6 Stages of the Product Life Cycle. Understanding the cycle is the key businesses need to make decisions on how to grow and mature in the marketplace. Stages of the Product Life Cycle Development Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline   1.Development